Solar VIC are piloting a battery rebate scheme to help identify demand and battery usage in Victoria.

In 2019-20 there will be 1,000 rebates of up to $4,838 for a solar battery system. 

Installing a battery can help a typical household save up to $640 a year. 

The battery program targets designated postcodes with high PV penetration and population growth. For an area to be considered a designated postcode it must:

  • be a high growth suburb
  • have high PV penetration

Based on these criteria, the following postcodes are eligible to take part in the Solar Homes battery program:

Eligibility Criteria

Victorians eligible to receive a battery rebate if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • the property is within a designated postcode and already has solar PV panels with a capacity equal to or greater than 5kW
  • pre-approval is obtained from your Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP) to safety connect a battery to the grid
  • the energy storage solution is listed on Solar Victoria’s Approved Battery List and the property does not have an existing energy storage system
  • they are the owner-occupier of the property where the system is to be installed
  • the combined household taxable income of all owners is less than $180,000 a year (based on your Australian Tax Office Notice of Assessment)
  • it is an existing property, valued at under $3 million based on the current council rates notice
  • the property address has not previously taken part in the Solar Homes Program
  • the owner/s agrees to receive information from their Distribution Network Service Provider about taking part in battery trials to maximise the value households get from them
  • owner/s agree to receive a free safety inspection and/or audit under the Solar Victoria Audit Program, if selected.