Fronius inverters are efficient and reliable and form the indispensable heart of every photovoltaic system. Power categories ranging from 1.5 to 27.0 kW guarantee suitability for virtually any system size – from a family home to a large-scale system.

The Fronius Primo in power categories from 3.0 to 8.2 kW perfectly completes the SnapINverter generation. This single-phase, transformerless device is the ideal inverter for private households.

The three-phase Fronius Eco in power categories 25.0 and 27.0 kW perfectly meets all the requirements of large-scale installations.

Boasting power categories ranging from 3.0 to 20.0 kW, the transformer-less Fronius Symo is the three-phase inverter for systems of every size.

The Fronius Smart Meter is a bidirectional meter that optimises self-consumption and records the household's load curve. The Fronius Smart Meter provides perfectly coordinated management of the various energy flows and optimises overall energy management.